Transport Canada Certified 1st Class Motor & 2nd Class Steamship Marine Engineer

Whitby, ON, L1N 9X3

Email: [email protected]


Cell: 437 233 6444

My Marine Survey Sample Reports

Listed Below are examples of reports typical of my work. I don’t differentiate between pre-purchase, C&V or insurance surveys. I do one level of report for insurance, C&V and pre-purchase as shown in the samples. My reports are guaranteed to be accepted worldwide by all financial and insurance companies. Do not judge a report by the number of pages. Carefully consider the content, level of detail and referenced legal and standards requirements.

Two samples

Side by side reports of the same boat. Although these two surveys were done almost one year apart, the boat had less than one hour running time on it in that period. The survey report on the right is mine and the one on the left is by a “Certified” Marine Surveyor”

My All Time Favourite Survey Report

This two pager basically says ” I surveyed this boat six years ago and it was in good condition and still is” , written by a “Certified Marine Engineer”, believe it or not was accepted by an insurance company !

A "full" Survey Report

This one written by a “CPPA, MMSM, Accredited Master Marine Surveyor” speaks for itself.

Hard to Believe

I had to count the pages on this one several times to make sure I wasn’t missing something but all pages are numbered 1 through 6. Truly amazing that a buyer and an insurance company would accept this report by a self titled “Master Marine Surveyor”.

More Ontario Surveyors

I am proud of my work and not afraid to be criticized on my reports. Here are a few of other Ontario surveyors that feel the same way and show sample reports on their websites. There are some other excellent surveyors who choose not to put sample reports on their sites. I’ll be happy to direct you to one I trust and I don’t hand out recommendations easily.

Craig Morley AMSĀ®

I am proud of my work and not afraid to be criticized on my reports. Here are a few of other Ontario surveyors that feel the same way and show sample reports on their websites. There are some other excellent surveyors who choose not to put sample reports on their sites. I’ll be happy to direct you to one I trust and I don’t hand out recommendations easily.